10 Rules For Creating A Great Marketing Email

<p><a href="https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10235279/4123394/wmeouqacgxfd3fp4ybld-w800-o.jpg"></a>Email marketing is still the best converting form of advertising but chances are it can be even better. Follow these 10 tips to creating a better email marketing campaign.</p> <p><strong>1. Use a familiar from name.</strong></p> <p>When people see emails fill up their inbox they skim the senders and subject lines to determine which are important and&hellip;</p>
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10 Ways To Create A Pixel Perfect Web Design

<p>One of the greatest benefits of using WebStarts is the true "What you see is what you get" experience. The creative freedom enables you to create a truly unique design that conveys the value of your products and services.</p> <p>Many competitors say they're drag and drop but in reality they're really little more than glorified template&hellip;</p>
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10 Things That Should Be On Every Website

<p><a href="https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10235279/4123391/p3dirfpvcoh3ni6lzvc4-w800-o.jpg"></a><strong>1. Your logo.</strong></p> <p>Hopefully you have a logo for your business or organization. Logos are important because they're a visual association to your brand. Your color scheme should also go well with your logo.</p> <p><strong>2. A headline saying in one sentence what it is your do or what your site is about.</strong></p> <p>The average person will spend&hellip;</p>
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10 Things That Should Be On Your Website

<p><a href="https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10235279/4123383/ozs1tgadkvsqiooltudj-w800-o.jpg"></a>1. A concise headline.</p> <p>A recent study found when people were asked what's the most important in a website's design they said "the website makes it easy for me to find what I want." And not just by a little bit either. 76% responded with that answer, while the next most important factor, "looks" was&hellip;</p>
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10 WebStarts Features That Will Help You Design A Modern Website

<p><a href="https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10235279/4123381/akyh1vuuft4rasbxatoi-w800-o.jpg"></a>In the last two years a lot has changed about the web, and WebStarts has changed along with it. Here is a list of features we've rolled out that will help you design a modern website.</p> <p>Parallax</p> <p>Parallax scrolling gives your site a three dimension feel. The parallax effect can be enabled on any full width&hellip;</p>
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10 WebStarts Apps You Didn't Even Know About

<p><a href="https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10235279/4123379/8rcvto3dorhoi0ev2otf-w1024-o.jpg"></a>WebStarts is by far the most feature rich website builder. In fact, one of the biggest challenges we face at WebStarts is helping people know about all the great built-in apps we offer at no additional charge. So today I'm going to share 10 WebStarts apps you didn't even know about.</p> <p><strong>1. Calendar</strong></p> <p>Whether you're a&hellip;</p>
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5 Web Design Principles For 2016

<p><a href="https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10235279/4123375/5ijthiyj2gxd4l2m6uxk-w1920-o.png"></a>Designing a website can be a daunting task. After all, it often times requires you to not only create something highly functional but at the same time remarkably beautiful. Here are 5 principles you should be using in your web design to help you achieve those goals.</p> <p><strong>1. Establishing a goal</strong></p> <p>It's important before you begin&hellip;</p>
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10 Reasons You Shouldn't Build Your Website With Wordpress

<p>I know Wordpress is popular but the most popular thing isn't always the best thing. That's certainly the case if you're looking to create a website with Wordpress. Wordpress was originally created as a blogging platform but matured into more of a catch all CMS (Content Management System). Now you'll find people creating blogs, websites,&hellip;</p>
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10 Reasons You Shouldn't Build Your Website With Wordpress

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch/USo5D8PFghI?rel=0" target="_blank">10 Reasons You Shouldn't Build Your Website With Wordpress</a> <p>I know Wordpress is popular but the most popular thing isn't always the best thing. That's certainly the case if you're looking to create a website with Wordpress. Wordpress was originally created as a blogging platform but matured into more of a catch all CMS (Content Management System). Now you'll find people creating blogs, websites, and even online stores using Wordpress but let me give you ten reasons that's not good idea.</p> <p><strong>1. Wordpress is difficult to install.</strong></p> <p>Wordpress was designed to be self-hosted. That means you'll have to find a server to host your Wordpress installation. It also means you'll need to be familiar enough with computers, software, and hosting to deploy a hosting environment. Sure you'll be able to find steps to do this online but they different from provider to provider and that won't change the fact you'll have to manage a couple of different bills. One for your hosting and another for your domain. You'll have to figure out how to connect those as well.</p> <p><strong>2. You'll have to know how to code if you want something original.</strong></p> <p>If you can figure out how to get Wordpress installed on to a server you'll still need to know how to write code in PHP, HTML, and CSS if you want to customize the look and feel. There are a number of websites where you can purchase themes for your Wordpress website, but each of those themes still need to be installed and configured. That process is technical and complicated. The average small business owner just doesn't have the time to acquire the skills necessary to create a website with Wordpress.</p> <p><strong>3. You'll be spending a lot of time on forums looking for "the right plug-in".</strong></p> <p>The reasons Wordpress is popular have to do with it's openness. However, strengths are also weaknesses at times. For example, since anyone can create a plug-in for Wordpress there are tens of thousands of plug-ins out there that do all types of things. But since many of these plug-ins require regular maintenance, and often times require their own hosting the creators stop maintaining them. If you have one on your website and it stops working it can bring down your whole system.</p> <p><strong>4. If something goes wrong you won't have anywhere to go for support.</strong></p> <p>When you do find yourself having a problem with Wordpress there's nobody you can call to get your problems fixed short of hiring a so called expert. These experts don't work for Wordpress, they're just people selling their skills on the web. It's possible you'll find someone to help you that's honest but they're still going to cost you money.</p> <p><strong>5. Your plug-ins and Wordpress version will need constant updates.</strong></p> <p>Anyone that's ever had a Wordpress website can attest to the fact it requires updates. Wordpress itself comes out with frequent updates but once you put some plug-ins in the mix you're almost always requiring an update. This costs more time and of course if something goes wrong during the update, good luck getting help.</p> <p><strong>6. Plug-ins will randomly stop working and your site along with it.</strong></p> <p>I was recently editing a site that was using Wordpress. When I went to make a post on the site the whole server would lock up. I spent hours diagnosing the problem. Eventually I had to give the problem to someone who knew more than me. Eventually they found one of the plug-ins stopped working and it disabled the ability to make new posts. Heaven forbid this happens to someone with limited technical knowledge and resources.</p> <p><strong>7. Your comments box will get bombarded with spam.</strong></p> <p>Your Wordpress install will have comments built-in and that seems great. That is, until the comment spam rolls in. There are so many bots designed to spam the comments section on a Wordpress website virtually every site gets bombarded with constant spam. You can slow this down by installing a plug-in, until the guy who made that plug-in decides to get a day job and stops supporting it. Hopefully at that point the out of date plug-in won't bring down your site.</p> <p><strong>8. If you forget your username and password good luck ever getting access to your site again.</strong></p> <p>This is one of my favorites because it's so obvious. When you use Wordpress, it's self-hosted so if you change your username and password to something you'll forget, you'll likely never get back in and be able to update your site. There's nobody to call or email. Maybe you think to yourself, I'll just use the same password I use on every other site so I won't forget. If you do that and someone hacks one service they'll have access to all your services including your Wordpress account.</p> <p><strong>9. On your own when it comes to hosting and backup.</strong></p> <p>Since Wordpress is self hosted you won't automatically have a backup if something fails. That means you'll have to spend more time and money purchasing additional server resources and configuring regular back ups. If you use a website builder like <a href="http://www.webstarts.com">WebStarts</a> they already have systems and people in place to take care of it for you.</p> <p><strong>10. Security risks and vulnerabilities.</strong></p> <p>Security risks and vulnerabilities are a huge problem with Wordpress. Because Wordpress is open-source and it's generally self-hosted that means it's innately insecure. Any web developer has access to the code, the infrastructure, the configuration. It's simply made available to the whole world. There's nothing to ensure your Wordpress won't get hacked. These are just a few of the problems you'll run into while using Wordpress. So the next time you see some wanna be techie proclaiming it's virtues on a form, you'll know the true risks of using a product with no central backing or support.</p>
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5 Web Traffic Hacks For 2016

<p><a href="https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10235279/4123362/c6ngsq4gq7clgkyjwq08-w800-o.jpg"></a>1. Copy and paste comments into Youtube.</p> <p>Maybe you've seen those decorative comments that say something like "Who's listening to this in ____" on Youtube. People love to post those under music videos. You can copy and paste those decorative comments into the comment section of any Youtube and it really stands out. After you've&hellip;</p>
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5 Web Traffic Hacks For 2016

<p><strong>1. Copy and paste comments into Youtube.</strong></p> <p>Maybe you've seen those decorative comments that say something like "Who's listening to this in ____" on Youtube. People love to post those under music videos. You can copy and paste those decorative comments into the comment section of any Youtube and it really stands out. After you've pasted the decorative comment you can edit the words to say whatever you'd like and even include a link back to your website.</p> <p><strong>2. Add animated Emoji's to your email subject lines.</strong></p> <p>We all know it's super important to send follow up emails to our leads but too often those follow up messages get deleted without getting the attention they deserve. This one simple hack let's you add an animated emoji to your subject and make it standout in a cluttered email box.</p> <p>Granted, these animated emojis won't work with every email client but they'll work with Gmail. And Gmail is the most popular email client out there. Here's a link where you can get the unicode to add these little animated suckers to your email subject lines. Just copy and paste the one you want straight into your email composer subject line field. <a href="http://www.emailmarketingtipps.de/2015/05/11/animated-emojis-in-gmail-subject-lines-cheat-sheet/" target="_blank">http://www.emailmarketingtipps.de/2015/05/11/animated-emojis-in-gmail-subject-lines-cheat-sheet/</a></p> <p><strong>3. Add italics and strikethrough to Youtube comments.</strong></p> <p>Just like in my first suggestion this is all about standing out when it comes to Youtube comments. I guess I'm big on Youtube because it's the second leading source of referral traffic online to Google.</p> <p>To make a Youtube comment in bold put an * at the beginning and end of the words you want to appear in bold. To make a comment italic put an _ at the beginning and end. To make a comment have a strikethrough put a - at the beginning and end. This is a great way to make your comment pop and if you put a link in that comment, you know they're going to click.</p> <p><strong>4. Buy popular Instagram accounts and start posting to them.</strong></p> <p>Instagram has become one of the most popular apps and social networks. With so many eyeballs on Instagram every day it only makes sense a market has emerged for selling accounts. There are several websites dedicated to connecting buyers and sellers. Once you've acquired an Instagram account you can then post and message to the followers. Sending them directly to your website and increasing your website traffic.</p> <p><strong>5. Provide helpful answers on Quora.</strong></p> <p><span style="line-height: 1.5;">Quora is a question and answer site that has continually risen in popularity over the years. One of the reasons Quora has been successful is the quality of answers you receive to questions you've posted on their site. By participating in the conversation you can build a up a reputation and occasionally share a little bit about your business, directing traffic back to your site.</span></p> <p>Create your very own <a title="free website builder" href="http://www.webstarts.com">free website at webstarts.com</a></p>
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5 Ways To Get More Web Traffic In 2016

<p><a href="https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10235279/4123366/swob4xtnpykzt1uib7v7.gif"></a>It's a new year and time to get back to business. Not many industries change faster than tech and 2016 will be no different. Here are 5 ways to get more web traffic in 2016.</p> <p><strong>1. Promote on Instagram.</strong></p> <p>In the last few months Facebook has opened up Instagram advertising to everyone and the results are&hellip;</p>
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How To Get Your First 100 Email Subscribers In 24 Hours

<p><a href="https://static.secure.website/wscfus/10235279/4123359/vj2sjcwg660sknd5tgw5-w800-o.jpg"></a>Every business needs an email list, it's the core of your online business. Sending emails is a great way to stay top of mind with your audience, promote products, and convey information. In this article I'll share with you how to get your first 100 email subscribers within 24 hours.</p> <p><strong>Step 1_</strong> Back load your&hellip;</p>
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4 Tips To Get Your First 1M Website Visitors

<p><a href="http://webstarts.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/human-592734_1280.jpg"></a>Over the years we've taken WebStarts from zero to over 30m unique visitors. We've learned a lot of lessons along the way and today I'm going to share five of them with you. Here is a lit of 5 tips to help you get your first 1m site visitors.</p> <p><strong>1. Advertise.</strong></p> <p>I know, it's super obvious,&hellip;</p>
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